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Alligator Grin

Just checking out the scene to see what’s on the menu. Alligators are apex preditors in their habitats and can be found from Texas, east through Florida and up the eastern seaboard as far north as North Carolina.




Big Green Frog

Big Green Frog Aliquippa, Pennsylvania. Green frogs are large true frogs native to eastern North America, This one took up residence in a Koi pond.




Grey Rat Snake With a Mouthful

Mother Nature can seem cruel at times but snakes play an essential roll in rodent control. Rat snakes are constrictors and are expert climbers.




Hey, Get Off My Rock!

A Cooter had the rock all to herself until a cormorant, a dragonfly and a damselfly all showed up. This is “Killer Rock” on the Rainbow River, so named for the number of outboard engines it has destroyed. It’s a favored sunning spot for birds and turtles.




Mother is Always Watching

A bunch of baby gators sun themselves while their mama guards them from just behind the log on the Silver River near Ocala, Florida. Alligator mothers guard their nests and then guard the hatchlings until they’re old enough to be on their own.




Pileup on the Rainbow River

Suwannee Cooters Pile up on the Rainbow River on “Killer Rock”. A favorite sunning spot, one can often see turtles and birds warming up in the sun here.




Redeyed Tree Frog

The Redeyed Tree Frog is a nocturnal frog that is found throughout the rainforests of Costa Rica. I photographed this one in Monteverde using a pen light to illuminate it. These small frogs can jump almost five feet.




Sunrise in an Alligator’s Eye

An alligator floats motionless in the stillness of a Florida sunrise near Melbourne, Florida. The sunrise is reflected in the alligator’s eye.




Too Close for Comfort!

Sunset brings out the alligators for their nightly feeding. Here a gator cruises between two great egrets. The egrets are wary and split up to avoid becoming dinner.